I just finished the book. Heart-wrenching read. I would not have had the self-control James had in dealing with tragedy. I'm quite sure vengeance and retribution would have consumed me.
I found James on a social media site, but I wouldn't presume to contact him about this matter. I would never want to reopen the wounds that must run so deep. But I was wondering, does anyone know if Jeff Anderson, the self-confessed child-abusing triple murderer in this case, is still incarcerated? If not, does anyone know his current whereabouts and/or what name he goes by now? Wherever he is, he deserves to be exposed for the psychopathic monster he is. I hope his fellow prisoners clearly and repeatedly "explained" to him the error of his ways. People like him never completely reform and will always be looking for their next victim. They do not deserve to breathe.